Farmhouse Inspired Ticking Pillow Covers
UPDATE: Find the full step-by-step tutorial for these ticking stripe pillow covers HERE.
As I was sewing these ticking pillow covers this week, I came to a major conclusion.
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So, like most things. I informed my hubby.
“Well I think I finally decided what my home decor style is.”
“I mean, it’s still farmhouse inspired of course…but it basically boils down to this: white+chippy, ironstone, grain sack fabrics, and ticking. Lots of ticking. In blue.”
He got this funny look on his face to which I responded “um, what?”
“Well, that pitcher thing is the only ironstone you have, right? So you just have the one piece?”
First, since when he did learn what ironstone is? I clearly talk about this stuff too much.
Second, I then spent the next five minutes explaining how one doesn’t necessarily have to own the things (yet) that make up “their style” in order for it to be “their style”. It’s a process man! Ahem.
I think he still needs convincing, but in the meantime I guess I’ll just have to find some more ironstone to collect. Total bummer, right?
Anyway. Back to these pillows. So I absolutely love the look of ticking pillow covers. Pillow covers in general are really handy since they can be swapped out to quickly create a new look in any space. These particular covers really resonate with me because I feel that ticking fabric is one of those things that just unequivocally screams “farmhouse”. And we’re talking like real early American simple-country-living-farmhouse. Not the stuff that looks rustic or cottage-y, but would have never been found on a true working farmhouse.
Farmhouse Inspired Ticking Pillow Covers
Before I started sewing these, I knew I wanted some simple envelope style ticking pillow covers. I made these double covers (see next photo) back at Christmastime, and while I love the two covers together, I wanted more of the ticking fabric to show. And bonus, the classic blue ticking is a bit better for year-round decor.
Since these covers would be on their own, I wanted to make them a little more special than just a basic envelope pillow cover. I ended up adding a little lace edge peeking out from the back envelope part (where you can insert/remove the pillow form). I loved the result so much that I didn’t even question making it the front of the pillow.
These can be flipped either horizontal or vertical. You could also use a wider/skinnier lace trim (or other kind of trim) for a totally different look. I want to go to the fabric store and just pick out more trims to try with these!
Don’t be surprised if I have to start an Etsy shop just so I don’t drown in these pillow covers.
P.S. I’m also working on a step-by-step tutorial that I will share shortly on the blog so you can make your own. It’s a great project for a novice seamstress. And for those “non-sewers” out there, I just want to throw out a word of encouragement that these are SO easy to do! And pillows/pillow covers can be so pricey that I think it’s well worth it to figure out how to make your own.
So keep an eye out for the upcoming tutorial!
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